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Convert Labview 9.0 vi file to 7.1 vi file

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In the options menu i could find the option u mentioned.


I found bookmark,subscribe,highlight,print,email,report.


Am I looking at wrong place?




0 Kudos
Message 11 of 21

venu wrote:

In the options menu i could find the option u mentioned.


I found bookmark,subscribe,highlight,print,email,report.


Am I looking at wrong place?




Does "u" mean the same thing as "you"?


You need to look at the options menu to the upper right corner of your specific message that you marked as the solution.

Message Edited by Ravens Fan on 10-28-2009 10:19 PM
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 21

How does one go about converting labview 2009 files to labview 7.1 files, I run labview 2009 on my laptop, but all of our lab computers run labview 7.1 still, and they have the DAQ I need to use.


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Message 13 of 21
You need to do a Save for Previous version in LV 2009 back to LV 8.0.  Then open the files in LV 8.0 and do a Save for Previous to LV 7.1  (There are some bugs with certain LV objects that may make it necessary to go through LV 8.6 first.) 
Message 14 of 21

Thank you very much, I will try and track down 8.0 and 8.6, i'm assuming i'll have to have those on different computers due to some issue I keep reading about a daq controller.


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Message 15 of 21
Not sure which issue you are referring to but you can have the different versions of LabVIEW on the same computer.
Alex Person
NI-RIO Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 21