05-03-2006 11:55 AM
05-04-2006 02:49 PM
Hi Bernie,
What happens if you run the executable on your machine after changing the screen resolution? Also, check out the VI Properties for this VI. Look in File>>VI Properties>>Window Size and notice whether or not the checkboxes on proportion and scale are checked. Finally, have you set any of the front panel objects to scale with the front panel? You do this by right-clicking on the object and checking "Scale Object with Pane"?
Let us know,
Megan B.
National Instruments
05-04-2006 02:56 PM
If the boolean is set to size with the text
the font on the questionalbe machine is "weird" (unknown font, bad size, large font, etc)
that may exaplin this behaviour.
05-13-2006 12:19 AM
05-15-2006 12:44 PM
Hi Bernie,
Have you tried using a custom control for this Boolean? To customize, right-click and go to Advanced>>Customize. You can then change the properties of the boolean and save it as a .ctl file. I'd be curious to see if a custom control was stretched/distorted the same way a normal Boolean was. By the way, what version of LV are you using and what is the screen resolution on your laptop?
Megan B.
National Instruments
05-29-2006 06:23 PM
Problem is apparently due to the fact that I initiated the process with a boolean constant (as noted in first post) on the block diagram instead of by creating a boolean control on the front panel. When I use a boolean control the problem is resolved.