04-17-2013 05:08 PM
I've been looking at other threads on the message boards and have found some helpful hints along the way about my question, but I'm not sure that I have found the exact one. Basically what I've got is an EKG being read continuously from a patient simulator into labview. We have filtered the waveforms and have a clean waveform coming in and are able to detect the heart rate continuously, but what we are trying to find is a way to determine the time in between each R wave continuosly but not add upon each other. Essentially when a peak is detected over the threshold we set we want the time in between each detection to be displayed. I hope this make sense and that somebody out there can help me out. Thank you!
04-18-2013 01:28 PM
Hi Scar,
Have you had a look the at two discussion forum post below? They deal with calculating the time between R waves.