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Coincidence Counting with NI-PCI6602

We have hooked up two single-photon counting modules (Excelitas Perkin-Elmer SPC-AQRH) to the NI-PCI-6602 card and are able to count pulses at the two individual outputs separately. The code for the same is attached here. We would now like to count the number of simultaneous pulses (or coincidence counts) at the two outputs with the smallest time window compatible (which is roughly 30 ns). Can someone please guide us in this regard?

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Message 1 of 3

Hello girish,


if i understand you correct, you want to measure the phase or time between the two inputs.

Measuring the Time Between Two Pulses On Separate Lines

In the LabVIEW Example finder use the Counter - Read Pulse Width and Frequency (Continuous).vi and select the two edge seperation tab. This is only a try, if it can work or not, because 30 nS is very small. The internal resulution of the oszillator with 80 MHz is 12,5nS.


If you want fully controll over all, i recommend to use a board with an FPGA onside.


best regards
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Message 2 of 3

I think you want to calculate the time interval between any photon pair from two APDs?

捕获2.PNGv2-7ba50d71af0cce1f9337a814be2e858a_r - 副本.jpg

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Message 3 of 3