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Changing 3D Axis lengths relative to one another


I am using a standard 3D Surface Plot and it works so far. However I would like to change the length of the scales relatively to one another so changing the scale ranges doesnt really help, because all I get is a lot of empty space then, because the overall window stays a cube.


I attached a picture to demonstrate what I mean.


I have this lenghty structure and changing the scales makes it look lenghty (left picture) but then the axes numbers are too far away. This is why I want different lengths of axis relative to one another. I changed it in paint by hand to demonstrate it. Its the picture on the right: The x-axis shall have at least double the length of the y-axis! How can I achieve that in Labview?


Best regards,


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Message 1 of 4

Hi Dani_Munich,

If you figure out the needed range of axis, you can change them in your program with propertyknots. I attached an example.

I hope this will solve your problem! 😉

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Message 2 of 4

Hi Da44,

thanks for your reply 🙂

I dont have LabView 14 at the moment so I cant open the file unfortunately, could you save it as a LV13 or (older) version for me?


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Message 3 of 4
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