As others said, our personal advice is NOT a substitute for a DR.
That having been said it would be a good idea to chase down the link that Dan Bookwater shared.
I started having trouble with my wrists about 1-1/2 years ago while in the middle of a 9 month 60 hour a week LV marathon. Prior to that adventure, I THOUGHT I was just fine using my track-ball with good erognomics (see my post on Info-LabVIEW).
I say I THOUGHT I was OK because I did not have any pain,
looking back, I used to feel this urge to flex my wrists after getting of from the computer. I feel that this was an early sign that I had ignored.
Well after I waking up a couple of nights with shooting pain in my arms I decided to try a wrist brace.
I was suprised when I put it on that my wrist alost instantly felt "more comfortable". So I started wearing while working. I soon noticed that I no longer felt the urge to flex THAT writst anymore when getting up.
Then I realized that the other wrist still wanted to be flexed. So I got a second brace.
At this point I should comment the writst braces took a little time to get used to because the wrist braces prevented me from doing dumb things with my hands.
I had to modify my keyoard tray to be able to reach the keys.
So here I am thinking that I have this issue licked and then I took a long drive with my wife. I then realized that driving was bad for my wrist as well.
So, after you check with a doctor look into wrist braces. I can confirm the need for two sets. They can start smelling weird after about a week. I have not tried the hand washing thing but that would probably help with my braces wearing out so fast.
So much for my comments on braces.
MICE are evil!
I use "Kensington Expert Mouse" track-balls. I have about 4 or 5 of these in serial, PS2 and USB flavors. As a simple example of the track-balls superiority over a mouse I present the following challenge. "I can possition the cursor and left click using my foot, try to do that with a mouse!"
THe track ball just demands less manipulation.
1) Doctor
2) Braces
3) Track-ball
4) Ergonomics
By the way, the only time my wirsts bug me anymore, is when I reach for a mouse WITHOUT wearing my braces.