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Can compiled LabView programs be sold on Mac App Store?

Can compiled LabView programs be sold on Mac App Store?


Because compiled LabView programs require a separate Runtime Engine, I wonder whether they can comply with Apple's criteria and be sold on the Mac App Store.


Here are two of Apple's criteria:


Apps must be packaged and submitted using Apple's packaging technologies included in Xcode - no third party installers allowed


2.15Apps must be self-contained, single application installation bundles, and cannot install code or resources in shared locations2.16

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Message 1 of 10

This seems to be a corollary of your other question:


Whatever Apple's criteria may be, the fundamental problem is that you need to compile the program for iOS. There currently are no LabVIEW compilers for that platform.

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Message 2 of 10

No, you misunderstood my question. I'm asking about the Mac App Store. The programs would NOT have to run in iOS. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

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Message 3 of 10

Ah, sorry. Yes, I misunderstood the question. In that respect, you'd run into an issue if you used NI's installer. But you don't have to use the NI installer. When you compile the application you'll get a binary, and you can use whatever installer you want in order to distribute that application. The end-user would need to download and install the Runtime separately.

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Message 4 of 10

An employee of NI, MARC PAGE, has created Install Runtime which has been wonderful. I can use it to create a single, complete Mac program for teaching physiology. It has the runtime engine already installed. That makes it easy to download and install for people who don't know a lot about those things and who have never heard of a "runtime engine".


Now we're back to the original question: "Can compiled LabView programs be sold on Mac App Store?", and the answer will depend on Apple's business policy and their relationship with NI.


If you know the answer, please email Pete (

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Message 5 of 10


Now we're back to the original question: "Can compiled LabView programs be sold on Mac App Store?", and the answer will depend on Apple's business policy and their relationship with NI.


Well according to NI you are free distribute compiled LabVIEW programs, and even charge for it.


It is up to Apple if they will allow you to sell it in the Mac store.


You should ask Apple this question.

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
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Message 6 of 10

That is not an answer. To quote Apple, "Apps may only use public APIs." In addition, when a Mac program is submitted using the software system Apple recommends, the licensed producer lets the program itself put in certain info into Apple's store. The reason LabVIEW programs can't be put in Apple's store is that there is no business agreement between Apple and NI. Only a top executive at NI could answer my question and even then only if Apple and NI can reach some kind of agreement.


I would like to point out that it would be in NI's best interest to negotiate with Apple, so that the incredibly numerous LabVIEW programmers could put Mac programs in Apple's store. It would generate more business for Apple as well as NI. Please call this issue to the appropriate top executives at NI. 


Thank you.

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Message 7 of 10

@A.P._Shepherd wrote:


I would like to point out that it would be in NI's best interest to negotiate with Apple, so that the incredibly numerous LabVIEW programmers could put Mac programs in Apple's store. It would generate more business for Apple as well as NI. Please call this issue to the appropriate top executives at NI. 


Thank you.

Well first, sure there are incredibly numerous LabVIEW programmers, but I'm willing to bet the percentage of those LabVIEW programmers that are not using Windows as their primary OS is <10%.


Second maybe YOU should "call this issue to the appropriate top executives at NI", since you seem to be the one affected by it.


The whole Mac/Apple Store restrictions and limitations makes me wonder why anyone even develops for that platform, personally I avoid Apple products like the plague. Apple has always been a closed architecture and too restrictive on hardware and software. They have become that dictator like controlling corporate entity that their famous 1984 Mac commercial rallied against.


Meanwhile I can solder together a board, put it in my PC, write a program for it in LabVIEW and turn around and sell it as a product with accompanying software without even asking NI, MS, or any PC manufacturer if they are okay with it. 

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
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Message 8 of 10

@A.P._Shepherd wrote:

That is not an answer.

it is an answer.  But maybe one you don't want to hear.


@A.P._Shepherd wrote:

The reason LabVIEW programs can't be put in Apple's store is that there is no business agreement between Apple and NI.

Why are you saying that they can't be put in there?  Your original question was asking whether they could be put in.  From what I've read, that question hasn't been answered, but you are stating it like it's a fact.Smiley Frustrated


@A.P._Shepherd wrote:

To quote Apple, "Apps may only use public APIs." In addition, when a Mac program is submitted using the software system Apple recommends, the licensed producer lets the program itself put in certain info into Apple's store.

What is the definition of a "public API"?  What is the definition of an "API"?  Application Programming Interface is not the same thing as an IDE or Integrated Development Environment.   LabVIEW is publicly available.  But it is not free.  But neither are many of Microsoft's programming environment.  And in this situation, the person writing the program and wanting to put it on the apple store is a licensed producer.  NI granted them a license to produce and sell software using LabVIEW, as long as they abide by the rules within the license agreement.

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Message 9 of 10

I wouldn't see why you can't if you manage to build the required installer and have a valid Apple Developer ID to post it under. Not saying I would know how to do the building of such an installer!

But in the end the eating is in the pudding and only Apple can ultimately tell you if they will allow it. And even if they initially say they do, they reserve the right to change their mind at any time on a whim.


Technically I see no real problem. It's all in the legalize and political area!

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 10 of 10