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Camera image pixel values to array



I am new to LabView and am looking for a way to pass an image captured from a ThorLabs camera into a function that will evaluate each pixel value and send that data to an array for additional processing where I will be writing a function to evaluate saturation levels. I am looking to do this within the vi and without having to load in a saved image due to time restrictions. I found the function imageToArray but it requires that the image is read from a file. Can I modify this function to take image data passed by reference or something along those lines? Or is there a way to easily evaluate pixel values in the image while its in memory without having to save and reload the image?


Thanks so much!


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 3

Does your Camera show up in MAX?  If so, you can use NI Vision Acquisition Software to get the image from the camera, then use Image to Array to get the pixels (assuming you have VAS installed).


Bob Schor

Message 2 of 3