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Bool indicator is "True" if I connect this indicator to terminal. (In case structure)

You have to tell the tunnel what to output in the FALSE case as well.

There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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0 Kudos
Message 11 of 12

@Lugaro wrote:

My original problem is VI for bar-code scaner.

I scan bar-code and wont to see it while I dont use scanner. But string indicator clear in next cycle. Somtime (and today) it work as I wont. Sometime case work evry cycle after start - clear "string" and ON "test" indicator   


You really need to start with the tutorials and look at the shipping examples. There are also great talks about serial communications.


  • There is an "empty string?" primitive. (There is also a >0 primitive)
  • Why do you use "bytes at port"? Isn't there a termination character?
  • Why don't you attach your VI? We cannot see what's in the FALSE case, for example.
  • Do you really need to configure, read and close the serial session with every iteration of the loop? (I assume there is a toplevel loop, or are you using "continuous run mode? Don't!!!)
  • Why is there even a case structure?


0 Kudos
Message 12 of 12