Hi Guys,
I know there's a lot of threads on this but I think I've gone through all of them at this stage and still no luck. I am using the Agilent 82357B to communicate with a HP 53181A Frequency Counter. The device will not show up as a VISA control option in LabVIEW but when I select "Launch LabVIEW IDFinder" from NI MAX, it is able to pick up the device as connected so LabVIEW can see it. It is visible and I'm able to communicate with it in both NI MAX, The VISA Test Panel and Keysight Connection Expert. The only devices showing up as VISA controls in LabVIEW are the COM and LPT device.
What I've tried:
- I have the latest versions of NI VISA and NI VISA Runtime.
- I have the latest versions of NI MAX and LabVIEW 2015 SP1 64 bit.
- I have enabled the Tulip passport in NI Max. I'm using 64 bit LV so not sure if this is relevant?
- I have enabled the Keysight GPIB Cards for 488 Programs tick box in Connection Expert.
- I have no other GPIB connected so this device is GPIB0.
- Under Conflict Manager in MAX, the GPIB device is not listed but the other devices are. On my first installation of everything, I saw the GPIB device listed here with Agilent VISA as the chosen VISA. I changed it to NI VISA and saved the changes but that didn't work either.
- The GPIB VISA resource name is GPIB0::23::INSTR. It is also set to 23 on the HP unit itself.
- I have uninstalled and reinstalled everything except Windows and tried it all again and still no luck.
I've attached some screenshots of what I'm seeing in the various programs. Any help would be greatly appreicated.