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Add/Remove Software on Real time Software NI-Crio 9053 on MAX

Hello every body, I am neophyte on NI community so oplease redirect me if I post in wrong board.


I have the following error when I install Software on Real time Software NI-Crio 9053 on MAX.






"the recommended software set cannot be installed because the following components are missing on your local systems":


Avahi Client (newer version available on host) NI Chenum Driver 19.0.0 (not available on host) NI-MDBG 19.0.0 (not available on host) NI-PAL Errors 19.0.0 (newer version available on host) NI-ORB 19.0.0 (not available on host) NI System API 19.0.0 (newer version available on host) NI-APAL 19.0.0 (newer version available on host) Target Configuration 6.0 (not available on host) NI-PAL 19.0.0 (not available on host) NI System Configuration Remote Support 19.0.0 (newer version available on host) NI-DAQmx Combo System API Expert 19.0.0 (not available on host) Software Installation WebService 19.0.0 (newer version available on host) NI FSL Components 19.0.0 (not available on host) NI-DAQmx Remote Service 19.0.0 (not available on host) NI-KAL 19.0.0 (not available on host) NI-BDS 19.0.0 (not available on host)



In attachment there is the snap of my packets installed on the PC.





I cannot understand what packets are missing.





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 2

It seems like you don't have LabVIEW Real-Time Module installed.

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 2