10-17-2006 09:11 AM
I am using a DLL file provided by a camera manufacture to stream video. I have been able to record the video, but am having problems displaying video on the from panel using ActiveX. The DLL function which displays video requires a windows handle to know where to stream the video. This appears to be a reasonable request for the video stream but I have not been able to determine how to get the handle id from the activeX windows media player when drop into the front panel of the LabVIEW display.
10-17-2006 11:33 AM
10-17-2006 02:11 PM
Thank you for your shameless self promotion to software that must be purchased. I just wasted about 2 hours before I realized I could not use gtoolbox without first buying the software. If you are going to self promote at least be upfront about it.
10-17-2006 03:11 PM
10-17-2006 03:24 PM
Thank you for your help. Unfortunately, I have