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Lego Self Balancing Robot Algorithms

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I would like to get the algorithms & software used for the Lego NXT self balancing robot that was demonstrated by Anous Saha (spelling?) at the FIRST robotics competition.  I have searched the website but cannot find any information related to the algorithm or even the software.  If you could help provide this information I would greatly appreciate it.  Thank you, Jon Hauris
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Message 1 of 9
Accepted by topic author hauris

I am not quite sure which one Anu was showing, but here is a link to a really nice solution of a self balancing NXT using a gyro.

It is a student project from the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz in Switzerland. They created two version:

  1. Download VI to the NXT and let it run standalone
  2. Run the VI on the host computer using a USB connection to the NXT (this way you see all control parameter plus it offers steering functinallity)


You will find the VIs, videos and more on the project page (German).







Ingo Foldvari
Area Sales Manager - US West Academic
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9
Ingo Knoblich,  Thank you ver much for the informatin.  The link is great!  I will have to get some help with the translation to English - I don't speak enough German.  Please can you tell me what "VI" is?  Thanks,  Jon
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9


could anyone send me these VIs? because the the link of the web site doesnt work?


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

They have update the link.

This one works:



Ingo Foldvari
Area Sales Manager - US West Academic
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9



where can I find the LabVIEW code?

I can only find a rar-archieve, which contains an *.exe file. I'd like to see how they realized their control. So I need the VI.

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Message 6 of 9
Can't help you with the VIs as they provide exes to run, but one way you could get it going for yourself would be with an inverted pendulum algorithm.
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9

good morning, could you, please, tell me where cani download the vi for lego self balancing using a gyro?

thank you.


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Message 8 of 9

Dear Mr. Folvani, the link is not working. Do you have any idea why. Can you send me a new link.

Thank you.


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Message 9 of 9