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Import Dll to labview


I tried to import dll file to labview for  able to control steper motor but I obtained  this problem as shown in pic below I don't know how solve this any idea about how solve this problem please? 

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Message 1 of 13

Are you sure that's the right header file?  It's named differently than the source code file.


LV is indicating that the functions defined in the source code file do not match those from the header file, so it's having trouble interpreting them.

Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified TestStand Architect
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Message 2 of 13

Many thanks for your answer, Could you provide me by the example for compatible header file with labview may be I go to write new header file for the dll file.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13

Could I send for you the header file +Dll file to check it for me please

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Message 4 of 13


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Message 5 of 13



Thank you for your post to the forums.


I wanted to find out some more information in regards to what it is you are trying.


What type of .dll are you trying to bring into LabVIEW? Was it written in a text based programming language such as ANSI C/C++? 


Where did you obtain the header file shown in the image? As mentioned above, the header file is different to the source code.


I can see you have tried to use the Import Shared Library Wizard. 


For further information, take a look at the following links:


Calling .NET Assemblies From LabVIEW


Calling .NET Assemblies from LabVIEW


Loading .NET 4.0 assemblies in LabVIEW


Calling C/C++ DLLs Containing Simple and Complex Datatypes from LabVIEW


How Do I Call a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) from LabVIEW?




Call Library Function Returns the Wrong Function Prototype and Function Parameters for DLLs


Let me know how you get on.


Kind Regards,

Dom C
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 13

Many thanks for your help

the Dll made by c and  I will attached with this replay have a look for it please

Best regards

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Message 7 of 13

I tried to building my VI by MoveBlock I found

all function in side Dll return  Boolean type as I shown below in pic and there are no Boolean in Labview type as shown in pic any one have any idea about that 

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Message 8 of 13

I think in that case you could use numeric.  I don't remember exactly what options you have for a numeric return type...

Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified TestStand Architect
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 13



I hope you are well.


Have you managed to sort out the data type conflict you were seeing?


Do you need further assistance? Do you have any further queries?


Kind Regards,

Dom C
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 13