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From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
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EasyConvert (edit time plugin)
Author: JW-JnJ
What it does
Takes right-clicked wires then finds and inserts a conversion for that wire. To do this, you have to intentionally create a broken wire, right click, the select Convert. The plugin will insert the relevant function and create any necessary constants (i.e. the typecast type).
Note: If the conversion is not found in the list, a typecast is used.
Menu: (note: for each wire)
Attachement is saved in LabVIEW 2016. For install instructions, go here.
Comments requested:
Change list:
Is it possible, please, to convert it also to LV 2015? Thanks a lot!
This is so awesome. And the code inside is just beautiful. Great job! 5 out of 5
Does this and other plugins(like Alphabetize Event Structure) work in LV2017?
I tried but there was just a flash and nothing changed.
I installed the EasyConvert.llb in [LabVIEW Data]\PopupMenus\edit time panel and diagram on my system. I tried it with code like the first image above, with a U8 array wired to a string indicator. In both LabVIEW 2016 and 2017, it correctly inserted the Byte Array to String node. So the plugin appears to work fine in LabVIEW 2017 with what I tried.
@ Darren
The version I downloaded (running in LV2019) does not work. The conversions array type def does not have the source and sink mask data included, and the data is not loaded into this array from a binary as explained in the VI documentation. Thus all conversions some out as type casts.