LabVIEW Project Providers

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Looking for code reviewers/alpha testers

Hello everyone!

During last few months I've been working on new provider-based tool, named LabVIEW Code Manager (LVCM). This tool is making many of the properies of project items more accessible directly from Project Explorer window. Main features include:

  • quick access to VI documentation
  • quick access to class documentation
  • quick inheritance changer
  • libraries renamer
  • connector pane editor

The main goal of the LVCM is just the same as every other tool - to make your work with LabVIEW more efficient and fun by eliminating unnecessary clicks and waiting. Inheritance changer is probably the best example - in big projects, changing inheritance of class takes about 30 seconds to one minute, mainly because of class properties window loading (sidenote: have you ever encounter timeout during this window loading? this was one of the most unexpected errors that happened to me during my whole LV career ) . In LVCM you can do it with about 3 clicks and with very little or zero waiting-for-load time.

We've been using it inside my company for some time now without any real problems, but there is always need for some fresh view. I don't want to go full public with this tool yet, especially as there is provider mechanism involved. That's why I'm writing this in this exact group.

So, if I've got your attention with this intro (and I have very poor marketing skills ) - if you're interested in helping develop LVCM by doing some alpha-test and optionally reviewing the code, please contact me here or drop me private message (or write mail to

Oh, and one important thing - LVCM is intended to be free add-on, so in return for help I can only offer "thank you" (three versions actually: "thanks", "big thank you" and "I owe you my life") and place for your name in some "About" window. Which, of course, gives you opportunity to become famous when LVCM will get world-wide esteem somewhere around year 2068

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