08-01-2024 06:18 AM
Hello there,
here at The Exploration Company we are developing, manufacturing, and operating Nyx, a modular and reusable space orbital vehicle that can eventually be refuelled in orbit and that can carry cargo - and potentially humans in the longer run.
For that, I am looking for someone to join us as a LabVIEW Control & Test Engineer to help us in our mission by designing the control system software for our cryogenic engine (system and subsystem) test stands. If you have a background in computer science, software engineering, automation, robotics, or similar, have 3+ years experience in LabVIEW and want to work and live in the south of France, feel free to either drop me your CV or directly apply here:
08-18-2024 07:39 PM
Is the job still available? The link is not working.
08-19-2024 08:33 AM
Looks like the job was removed from that ashbyhq.com, but the linkedin page says:
Les candidatures ne sont plus acceptées or
Applications are no longer being accepted. Job description is still there.
01-07-2025 05:30 AM
Did you fill this position?
GT BEE '96 - i speak french. LabView expert.
01-07-2025 08:31 AM
Thank you for your interest, the position has been filled. There might be additional openings in the future and i will post them here again.