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present non-standard system colours similar to 'T' for transparent colour in the colorbox

Status: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 4 kudos within 4 years after posting will be automatically declined.

Dear users,


Summary: Manifest / display non-standard system colours (those with active 25th bit) similar to 'T' for transparent.


Not sure how it should look like, some ideas here:

- display "T" or "S" for those colours as well; maybe in a colour that is in contrast to the colour displayed

- reserve a few pixels in a corner of the color box a paint those white / contrast colour


The system colours cannot be distinguished from the user colours easily. Right, they do not mix with the history and they have a special section in the color picker dialogue. But the issue of mistaking the system colour for a standard colour appeared several times in the forum:


Well, some food for thoughts.

1 Comment
Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 4 kudos within 4 years after posting will be automatically declined.