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Unlike the scales of numeric controls, graph scales don't support text labels (wouldn't that be cool! :smileywink: ) *(see footnote)


It could be handled very similar to the way text labels are handled for the scales of numeric controls, so most of the code is already there.


This would come in very handy for e.g. histograms or bar graphs, where each bar needs a text label, or for cases where we have arbitrary units.


Examples for integer scales: 

  • "January", "February", ...
  • "LabVIEW users", "CVI Users" ...
  • "Europe", "Asia", ...


Examples for floating point scales (x, or y):

  • "Too cold", "cold", "warm", "hot", "too hot"...
  • "small", "medium", "large", ...
  • "min", "max"...
  • "high frequrency", "low frequency"...


*My quote from this old discussion . See also Ben's example further down.




I faced to delete multiple elements form the array which is having 20 steps.



if able to select multiple elements by holding the shift key we can delete selected items 1 time and can insert 1 time.



Array element.png



(Inspired by this discussion)


The Index & Bundle Cluster Array function currently discards any labels of the input data. I think it would be more useful if it would try to retain the names (i.e. copy the original array labels (if available) to the element labels of the output).


The picture illustrates the idea. On the left we see the current behavior and on the right what we would get after this idea is implemented.


The connectors hi(x) & lo(x) on the primitives for "Split Number" & "Join Numbers" do not line up with multi-connector primitives (Index Array, Build Array, Format, Format into String, Scan from String, etc). See below:


 Idea Exchange - JoinSplit Number Alignment.jpg

I am probably not alone in my trepidation in using the Block Diagram Cleanup tool, but I can not help but recognize its power to be a tremendous help.   We already have tools (Grids, Align and Distribute, Ctrl-T QD shortcut, etc.) to get Nodes and terminals positioned nicely.  Even with this idea in Beta, wiring can still be a tedious chore.  The BDCT does a reasonable job routing wires, but also moves things around including control/indicator labels, and is often unsatisfying.


What I want is to be able to lay out the BD, wire things while only worrying about beginning and end, and then have the BDCT only adjust the wire routing.


Despite numerous RCF shortcuts and new behavior in LV10, this is not the same as cleaning wiresThe solution is not to methodically select only wires and Ctrl+U.  The reason:  the process should be a global optimization, not a serial process where each wire route is chosen based on the current state of the BD.  The BDCT uses a global optimization, 'Cleaning wires' does not.  What I want is the optimization of the BDCT limited to only wires, leave my nodes and terminals and labels alone!


For example see the following:



The venerable Array Size function should just resize itself for the number of dimensions on the input array and have each dimension's size emitted with a separate scalar output.

When I have an array of clusters and I want to locate the array index where a specific element of the cluster has a certain value, I need to first build an array from the Array of Clusters and then search that to find the Array element I want:

 code example.jpg


It would be nice (and cleaner and likely faster) if I could wire the Array of Clusters into an unbundle by name function and select String[] to get the array of string element to search.

In addition, if the cluster contained nested clusters, I could access them the same way, using the dot notation alrerady supported.  For example, the unbundle would let me select 'cluster1.subcluster2.String[]' to access the subarray of an element.


code example2.jpg 


Right now, if you happen to use the right colors, LabVIEW will change the text color on a Boolean.  But, if you don't pick the right colors, LabVIEW keeps a single text color.


Boolean Text.png



This would probably be fine IF LabVIEW allowed you to have multiple text colors, but you can only choose one:


Boolean Properties.png


But, as you can see, LV only supports one text color.  I propose that LV support two text colors (ON and OFF).  Obviously LabVIEW has the ability to change the color already since it will do it in the right circumstances, but it would be nice if LV gave us control over it.


In my use case at the moment, I am trying to make a custom illuminated button which the text on the button should be grey went off, and yellow when on.


I really hate having to dig through a long hierarchy of menus when I know what I want:









Visual Studio (and other MS and non-MS products) have a feature called Intellisense, which is meant to make this easier. Basically, as you type, it pops up a list of matching objects, based on context, so you can quickly select what you want:








It would be nice if LV had a similar feature - click on a property in the property node using the text tool (or Ctrl+click if using the auto-tool) and now you can type in the property name and you will get an Intellisense-like pop-up, which will have all the relevant properties.


Specific features it could have:


  1. It should know all the relevant names - full names with the hierarchy (Boolean Text.Font.Color), long names (Mechanical Action) and short names (MechAction). This could probably be similar to how Quick Drop handles shortcuts or they could simply appear as separate items.
  2. It should be context sensitive. If the class is Boolean, then there's no need to have Listbox properties in the list.
  3. It should match all the properties which include the search string (so "in" on a boolean would match both "Indicator" and "Strings[]") and only them.
  4. It should have the ability to use caps for acronyms (e.g. in the above screenshot you could use "BT" instead of "Boolean Text", similar to what appears in this video).
  5. It could probably also work on the invoke node, although there it's less needed.
  6. It could probably also be used to quickly select a class if you have a class specifier using the same basic mechanism.

This example (LV 2009) shows how useful this could be. You don't need anything installed. Just run the VI and start changing properties.



  1. It will only work on the last property in the node.
  2. It doesn't have the proper list of names and it doesn't implement all the features in the idea, as this is just a basic example.


Note - this is similar to this idea, but I think that it's much more usable. Also note that the second idea refers to a QDKS which ships with 2010, but that is far from perfect.

Even though I use the tools selection in the automatic mode, many times I need some specific tool not accessible in the automatic mode or force one like "Position/Size/Select". Sometimes, mostly designing User Interfaces (UI) that takes all screen, we got the Tools Palette blocking access to something. Then we move the Tools Palette until it get in front of something else.


The idea is to have an option to have all buttons in the toolbar. Some programs allows you "dock" just dragging the over the tool bar.


Many times we have plenty of space to have all buttons there, if not, we can have a second row of buttons. That will be nice to add more buttons as we wish.


tools palette buttons in the toolbar.png


PS: I added a swap button between the foreground and background colors. The idea is explained in this thread Swap Colors in Tools Palette.

Have VI in the project windows behave like SubVI so when you CTRL + Double Click on one the SubVI FP and BD opens (and the BD is frontmost).

The QControl Toolkit is a fantastic library of tools for developing reusable UI components. I think they are a great alternative to XControls. Not only does the QControl Toolkit provide me the framework for developing my own QControls, but it also ships with some fully functional QControls, my favorite probably being the tree with checkboxes.


I think QControls are useful enough for all LabVIEW users that they should be part of the LabVIEW core product instead of an add-on toolkit.



Currently to replace something (for instance a node on the block diagram) you have to right-click and then select Replace... and then usually a lengthy navigation into the function palette or onto the disk with the OS file explorer.


Most often I already have a LabVIEW-project open, one or more explorer windows (opened at a useful context), and maybe also one or a couple of pinned sub-palettes - but I am not allowed to replace anything from these locations. I suggest that this will actually be allowed; that is: drag something onto the block diagram, and if you're enough on top of another object, then a replace-outline appears for you to drop your new object into. Here's an illustration for replacing something in the block diagram, but the same could apply to the front panel as well:




All the usual stuff should happen when you replace this way, as if you replaced through the context menu. For instance a prompt to save a VI that leaves memory, automatic update of a project's dependencies etc. Many ideas are submitted to this Idea Exchange to enhance the Replace context menu in different ways, but a feature as I'm suggesting here would improve my own workflow the most, simply because I already have much quicker access to my "replacer", through existing explorer windows, than going through the Replace context menu no matter how intelligently it gets populated.




I think the Array Element Gap should be sizable. This would facilitate lining up FP arrays with other items on the FP, or simply as a mechanism to add more apparent delineation between elements.

The size should be set in the Properties box, not by dragging the element gap with the mouse - that would add too much "cursor noise".

A new Property Node for this feature would complete Idea.



We've all seen the demo that shogg did where he set the color of his splitter bars to the panel color so they disappear at run time, but what if the splitter goes over background controls that you want to persist between panels?




It look slike the smallest i can have my splitter bars is 2 pixels.  I totally want them to show up in edit mode, but I'd like them to be 0 pixels wide in run mode (selectable, of course).

Why not create the option to change how the data is viewed on screen, similar to formatting in Excel or the Calculator function?


This could also be used for a hex display (I.E. FFFF FFFF), octal or even binary.  Options could be expanded to include how many characters before separation and what to use as a separator.



Probes are so useful for debugging, but monitoring them within the Probe Watch window can be a headache. I constantly find myself focusing back and fourth between Probe Watch and the code to translate a probe number to a position in the code. A solution would be to have the probe's value float just above the probe itself. LabVIEW already has a similar feature. When you use Highligh Execution wire paths display their current vaules, but using Highlight Execution is too slow and no practical for every debug situation.


Here is the issue as it stands today:



Here is my proposed new feature! :



I would like to introduce a little shorthand for creating numeric constants with non-decimal radix.  New constants should be able to autoadapt for radix, much like they do for type:  Drop a constant, enter '0x20' or 'x20' to get a constant with Hex radix (visible!), and the proper value.


In addition, it would be nice if automatic conversions would take place if radix specifiers are entered into (non-hex) constants (or controls).  For example, entering '0x20' into a numeric control with decimal radix should result in a value of 32 being entered (auto conversion).  Hex is an exception, obviously, because b and d are already valid.  The other radices have no such problem.



The concept of fluent interfaces using method chaining applied to a LabVIEW block diagram would be awesome!


When calling .NET libraries from LabVIEW, block diagrams explode horizontally - the aspect ratio of the diagram can easily push 5:1 or worse (it's 10:1 in the example below). Some Method Chaining syntactical sugar would yield a more space-efficient-and-readable 4:3 to 16:9 or so.


Property Chaining is already well-established in LabVIEW - let's get us some Method Chaining!




See the first comment for footnotes...

In general I would like to see LabVIEW more in line with the OS GUI standards. We have dialog controls and colors, however they are not set up to be the default choice - and we lack other GUI elements like status bars, notify icons, child windows etc. etc. A large part of LV-programmers' time is spent on ways to get LV to mimic what users will recognise and therefor intuitively understand.


In this case I simply miss the "sort glyph" that indicates that a table or listbox is sorted based on a given column and in which direction.


I imagine we could show or hide this and set its direction with a property node...It would not handle the sorting (although that would have been neat as well - if you had an in-built sorting that just needed to know a few parameters about the column data to do the job)...