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I think there should be a way to reinitialize a stacked shift register to the originally initialized value so you can clear out the contents of every iteration all at once.  For example, the code below, implemented with 4 individual shift registers:


 multiple shift registers.PNG


Could be implemented with 1 stacked shift register with a reinitialize terminal:


stacked shift register with reinitialize.PNG 

I use a number of file and libraries common to all my applications.
To lighten the display would be nice to exclude certain folder from VI Hierarchy

Populating values to the "enum" control is not possible by using the "strings" property node and hence to populate a large data to a "enum" one has to create a "Ring" control use the "strings" property and replace that "ring" with the enum (or if you have enough time enter them manually) .


So why not use the "Strings" property of "Enum" to write values to it directly..See the image attached



I miss the possibility to 


- add COM compatibility to .NET Interop Assembly builds

- add COM  compatibility to Shared DLL builds



I missed LV help information about the need to add a key file (*.snk) to the project first, before you can select it for signing the assembly. Unless you do that the file filter (*.snk) seems to fail when browsing.


In large application there are huge amount of parameters. If there is a lot of parameters usually there is also lot of parameter handling code in block diagram. This code can be moved to away if there is ready mayde parameter handling system. Here are my basic needs\ideas to this kind of system: 


- Parameter values are read from e.g. CSV-file when there is a first call 

- Parameter value must be changeable during code execution

- When value is changed new value must be updated to e.g. CSV-file

- User can change parameter name from project view. The new name is updated to all block diagrams (compare to shared variables)

- New parameters can be created from project view

- All parameter values can be changed and read from block diagram by using proper VIs

- Parameter library settings e.g CSV-file format and name can be set in project view


Is there any one else who needs this kind of system?