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When you write big programs you can add too many cases on a event structure.

The default text can not be changed and if you are trying to find a specific case it's quite hard.

It would be nice to be able to replace the entire text with a custom text, or add a comment to the existing one. 

With User events we can wire up the dynamic event terminal with null references to essentially switch off the event during run-time.  This is a great piece of functionality which unfortunately is NOT available for "static" Events (defined within the Event structure itself).


I would like very much to be able to set the refnum for a STATIC event to a null reference in order to switch off the STATIC events at run-time, essentially makiing it a Dynamic event.


I know we can link to any object within the VI server hierarchy at run-time and use this to generate dynamic events so why can't we have the extra functionality of USER/Dynamic events for the standard events?


In order to maintain compatibility with existing code, how about adding an additional Terminal to the Event Strucutre "Static Event terminal" which exposes the same functionality as the USER Events for the events defined within the Event strucutre.



Using Google Apps and similar products I've come to really love the access I get to all that functionality regardsless of which computer I'm on.  Imagine how great it would be if you could have LabVIEW available in the same way!


All the work, your VI libs, the compilation etc. would be on the hosting server (sharing VI libs, source code control and collaboration in general could be made very flexible indeed). There would be a few challenges to overcome, e.g. when you are writing code for different targets, but nothing unsolvable I think...(if there are any show stoppers we could have both...a web based editor as well as the traditional solution).


And the host could offer you to work in previous versions of LabVIEW...and new versions would be available as soon as they are launched, and you could build apps for different operative systems in one go.... no volume license manager headaches...the list of possibilities and improvements is endlessSmiley Happy


Hello everybody,


in many projects I create some VIs, which I use as sub VIs in different VIs of my project. If I want to drop one of these sub VIs in a VI, I have either to switch to the project explorer an grab it there or right-click on the block diagramm and use the functions palette -> Select a VI... . It would be nice (and save time), if I could use the functions palette to directly browse my project VIs. Some sort of dynamic menu creation for project VIs, organized like the project tree folders. If projects could get a default icon as libraries and classes, this icon could be set as palette icon. And if there is a library in one folder (perhaps with a default icon), make this library as a sub menu in the functions palette.



In the past it was possible to Drag and Drop for the Select a VI... Dialog. I don't remember when it was removed but I want it back!




I like the Digital Display feature of the Chart and would like to see it in a Graph


I currently do this in an Xcontrol

I like to dynamically control subvis with the get and set control methods


what would be nice is to get or set a single element of a cluster by naming it similar to a structure element in C


ex.    cluster_element.jpg

Application Builder property dialog >> Source File Settings >> Customize VI Properties...


One property I'm really missing is "Allow user to resize window". Obviously it can be set in the VI itself but there is no way to overwrite this setting when building the application.


Resize Window VI Property.jpg


Some more powerful icon editors (eg this one) have been written by users. An official version would be much appreciated.

Allow Array to be directly wired to number of interations in FOR Loop.  Right clicking number of interactions "N" would allow user to select Array dimension.  The demension could be displayed as shown.  This removes the need to "array size" and "index array" functions. 

For loop - old.jpg

For loop - new.jpg

Building multitype tables would be relatively simple using arrays of clusters...if it had not been for the fact that there is always space between the elements - causing the table to look unnaturally spread out.

Create a graph and display all its legends, the graph palette, X scrollbar etc. - you now have a rather messy mix of objects that are quite difficult to arrange together or in a compact and stylish manner.


The sizes of the objects should be made to match in different arrangements (preferably compact ones) and their default positions should be a good starting point, not a mess.


You could also have different layout/style options so when you choose to create a graph you get a number of layout alternatives to start from...kind of like the way you get in Excel.

I would like to see a Suspend When Called Manager added to the development environment.  The functionality would be similar to the Break Point Manager (which is great).  When you open the Suspend When Called Manager it would allow you to see all VI's in the heirarchy that have Suspend When Called enabled and allow you to disable it.

When you pass a wire from within a case structure to outside a case structure, you have an option of "Use default if unwired".


If we had additionally an option for "Retain Current Value", this would simplify and prevent needless wiring, especially if we are using the state machine pattern. See images below for use case.


Case 1.png

case 2.png

My goal is to reduce palette bloat!


Let's look at the conversion palette. Certainly looks impressive, but why do we need so many different bullets??? They are basically all the same function:  A universal input and an output type.


I suggest that the 16 marked bullets on the image, plus some others (e.g. "to variant"), be combined into a single universal bullet where we can select the desired output type by a simple right-click. Whatever we select will determine the actual icon, so once things are in place, everything will look exactly as before.


When we first drop the universal icon on the diagram (or insert it into a wire), the context menu appears and we must select the desired output.

I would like to see Option to Scale Font when FP resizes for all Objects or at least right click menu option for each object.

Why we should not be able to add shift registers to stacked sequences becuase it will eliminate the break of direction of data flow due to sequence locals.

We should be able to put data to shift register in 1st frame and access it in next frame.Sequence Structure.jpg

Add a modifier key when we close one probe (CTRL for example) will close every probe.

Hello everybody,


(as suggested I will separate my idea Expand the functionality of Event structures into four seperate ideas to allow giving kudos separately.)


Make it possible to add conditions to events, e.g. only allow event foo, if condition bar is True. I'm not sure, how this should look like. Some static conditions could be "key pressed == a" coupled with "key down" event. Conditions could also be coupled to controls via registering the control reference like dynamic events. If my idea Expand Event structure functionality: Register new types of references is realized, a condition could also be something like "tcp/ip connection is offline". If a condition is not fullfilled, than either nothing happens or there is a leftside node, which indicates the status of the condition. This should be configurable.




Hello everybody,


(as suggested I will separate my idea Expand the functionality of Event structures into four seperate ideas to allow giving kudos separately.)


Allow for better handling of the event buffer for fired events of Event structures. I would like to have a feature to list and remove item(s) from the buffer of fired events. Otherwise you have always to write some code to catch events, you d'ont want just to execute or you want to remove, because you just pressed the stop button. This could be realised by new leftside and rightside nodes inside the event structure.


