I currently have a 3D array that I need to remap to some strange looking discret calibration data by linear interpolation (there is no good model function, not even polynomial!)
(1) This requires deeply stacked FOR loops (image top).
(2) In many cases it would simplify code if we could use a single FOR loop, but specify to loop over all scalar elements in all dimensions. (SUGGESTION: right-click tunnel, select "index over all scalar elements" -> different tunnel look). This would cause the autoindexing output tunnels of scalars to produce a multidimensional array of the same size as the autoindexing input. In all respects it should act the same as if we would stack as many FOR loops as needed to strip the input down to a scalar array element (center image). The index terminal [i] would output an array of all current indices (3 elements in this case). I am not sure what to do about N. If it would accept an array, we need to make sure the size (=# of dimensions) is defined elsewhere if there are no autoindexing inputs for example).
Case (2) could be useful in many situations, especially for more complicated code than shown here. It would work for all situations where only the innermost loop contains real code.
(3) In this particular case, the "interpolate array" function could of course be made polymorphic to accept multidimensional arrays and produce outputs if the same size as shown at the bottom of the image. Case (3) is a more general suggestion. Many existing functions could be made "more polymorphic" to do the same operation on each element of an array such as shown here. Since all operations are independent, it could even be automatically parallelized internally to take advantage of multiple CPU cores. Good candidates are functions that have scalar inputs and output a single scalar. If I have time, I will go over the palettes and identify more candidates. It might even turn into a seperate idea here in this forum. 😉
Message Edited by altenbach on 06-05-2009 05:25 PM
Message Edited by altenbach on 06-05-2009 05:25 PM
I'm pretty sure I just deleted my originalpost with an edit:
I would like some help when wiring up a Connector Pane.
On large Monitors and less than 20/20 vision, it's easy to hit the wrong terminal.
A visual feedback as to which terminal is currently active would be of help.
As would showing a larger version when wiring allowing the user to change active terminal with the arrow keys....