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Many of us using graphical programming for scientific applications, where we dealing with numbers, measurements, etc.

How often we grab to Windows Calculator to compute simple equations?

What about ability to enter something like 3,75*2,8 into any constant or control (in principle everywhere where we can put numbers) and then get computation result in this place:

Screenshot 2024-03-06 09.16.22.png

In the past I've worked in desktop publishing industry and using the software called "Macromedia Freehand MX", and that was really "killer feature", which saves huge amount of time.


This is how it works:


Or for example, 5 rotated copies:


Even in Color mixer simple computations are allowed:


Everywhere where I can put some numbers, in any dialog:


So, my suggestion to have the same in every numeric control or constant.


This is what I mean:


So, it should be allowed to enter here something like "3*5" or "42+3*5" 

As MVP suggested to have the only (at least) base operations *, /, +, -, also combined as shown above, but may be "advanced" support (like fully offered by Formula String) is also not so bad, why not:


Anyway it should work everywhere, including constants on the Block Diagrams:


Also, for example, on Resize Objects Dialog:

Screenshot 2024-03-06 11.20.04.png

Or even in the Settings (in general everywhere for any numeric field across whole LabVIEW):



And also in Run-Time, of course, not only in Development Environment.


If you think that "always enabled" feature will be annoying, then I can suggest to make this optionally per Control/Constant Option:

Screenshot 2024-03-06 11.31.54.png

Or may be as global setting in the Options.



The DAQmx apis allow streaming measurements to TDMS. This supports spanning multiple files (by setting the max file size for individual files in the span set), which is very useful.

We need a similar feature for files we're writing to directly (i.e. not using DAQmx) with the TDMS File functions in LabVIEW.



Note: The main reason we wanting this feature, right now, is that our files are growing quite large and when we run the TDMS Defragement function, we get out of memory errors in RT on cRIO (e.g. if we have 512MB RAM on our cRIO and the TDMS file is around the same size).



We're thinking to do this ourselves, however the TDMS file api does not support checking the file size from a TDMS file reference  (and that's a great idea, too).

I'm not totally sure how this would be added to the TDMS file api -- maybe there could be a "TDMS Advanced Spanning" palette with options for configuring and interacting with TDMS spanning.

Currently, the TDMS File api does not offer a way to get the TDMS file size.


Our use case is that we'd like to limit the size of the TDMS files and span them accross multiple individual files (and I've posted an idea suggestion for adding that as a native feature, too).  To do this, we need to be able to monitor the TDMS file size, so that we can save/close the current file and then create the next file in the span for continued use (until we hit the size limit again).





Struggling to replace R&S FSW-K70 by VST and RFmx for my customer, found 16APSK and 32APSK are not directly supported by RFmx DeMod.  The customer is currently using FSW-K70 and their current test scnearios require 16APSK and 32APSK modulation and demodulation.  


I found a thread mentioning about APSK support below.

One of the most common operations performed on arrays is to determine whether an element is found inside the array or not.


There should be a function that is dedicated to this fundamental operation. My workaround is to use the "Search 1D Array" function followed by a "Greater Or Equal To 0?" function, as seen below. While it only takes a few seconds to drop the geqz function using Quick Drop, it's still slightly frustrating that this is necessary.


The set and map data types rightly have been given the "Element of Set?" and "Look In Map" functions. An equivalent should be provided for arrays.

Element of Array - edited.png



When looking for unexpected behaviour in time or memory usage of a project the Profiler is useful and easier than the execution tracer, but it could be made much more useful by adding the ability to monitor for changes and analyse the issues.




Currently detecting how the memory or run counts e.g. of a VI changes over time you have to take snapshots, save them and then compare the values in e.g. Excel. (which the saved traces do not directly fit into either...)

Proposed feature: Trends
It would be nice if you could just set the tool to automatically sample and log all/selected numbers regularly and then be able to view the trends. 


Proposed feature: Automated Analysis
Having trends will help in manually detecting issues, but the profiler could also have tools that helped you in this, e.g. highlighting which VIs show a continous growth in memory. This could also then be expanded by being able to call a VI analyzer on any given VI - preferably made/set up to identify possible reasons for a memory leak e.g. (unclosed references, continous array building e.g.).

When you compare two Vis, one with a control, and the other one with the same control but with a change on the test justification (You can modify it by clicking on the dropdown menu of text settings, next to the pause button)





If you compare the vis at this moment it only shows this


Difference Type: text justification


As we can see there is missing information regarding other comparissons like label name, object type and detailed description like the following example



Label Name: Label1

Object Type: String

Difference Type: moved

Detailed Description: Changed from "(168,132)" to "(12,71)"






Consider that this is a small scenario (only comparing two indicators) where the difference can be found easily, but if you try this with bigger VIs it will have a lot of missing information


The fact that this information is not available is time consuming, eventhough they can be walked manually the record of changes is compromised

In LabVIEW you need to know the number of sub matches at edit time and cannot handle arbitrary regular expressions. It would be nice if there was a regex function that returned sub matches in an array which can be handled much more abstractly than a pre-sized xnode.


C++, the regex utilities return a container-like class

PHP an array of matches is returned

JavaScript returns an array of matches


Two more suggestions


There has also been a need for rising edge and falling edge triggers for boolean values instead of having to manually code this in every time.  I know this would take extra memory space but could be turned on or off maybe in the control settings dialog.


I also have to manually code in time delay functions because everything I do is in loops with parallel code.  The timers can't execute properly this way and would be nice to be able to use the built-in timing functions instead of hand-coding.

Many or most VIs that ship with LabVIEW have their protection set to Unlocked (no password). The screenshot below shows a selection of such VIs.



It would be much better if the protection of vi.lib VIs was set to "Locked (no password)", to prevent accidental modification.



It seems very risky for built-in VIs to be open to modification, especially to accidental modification.


Scenario 1: Developer A is developing an application on their machine which contains modified vi.lib VIs which were accidentally modified as part of work on previous projects. They build an application which passes validation and starts to be used in production. All of the developer's source code is committed to a source code repository. Developer A leaves the company. Six months later Developer B is asked to pull the code from the repository and add a minor improvement. The application behaves very differently when Developer B builds it on their machine. A long and complicated troubleshooting session later, Developer B concludes that the different behaviour was likely caused by modified vi.lib VIs on Developer A's machine. Developer B cannot be sure, because Developer A's machine was wiped when they left, so there is no way to unequivocally prove the conclusion.


Scenario 2: A team of developers builds a test system for a defence application. The code is completed, and the test system is put through a thorough  commissioning and validation process that involves testing dozens of known good units and known bad units. The validation process takes three weeks to complete. Management plans to not have to run the whole validation process for future minor changes. Instead they will ask the development team to perform code reviews and record notes for each minor change. Revalidation is not necessary if the code reviewers agree that the changes are non-functional, for example, the wording was changed in a dialogue message, or a logo was added to the UI. This sounds like a great plan, but is technically unsafe. Strictly speaking the whole revalidation process would have to be rerun, even for minor changes, due to the fact that not all of the source code is visible in the repository (there is uncontrolled source code in vi.lib that could have been modified in between builds).

Essentially I don't think it's safe for an app to contain source code that is not visible or tracked in a repository.

I can't think of a simple, quick solution to the concerns above, but having all vi.lib VIs set to "Locked (no password)" could be a quick first step towards reducing the likelihood of this issue. Developers would at least have to consciously edit vi.lib VIs, rather than doing it accidentally which can happen now. Of course, a malicious actor could still wreak havoc by editing a few inconspicuous vi.lib VIs.

The risk would be reduced further if the vi.lib VIs were password-protected. This would come at the expense of not being able to view the source code of native VIs, something which I find useful. Therefore, I personally would prefer "Locked (no password)" to password-protected, but I might prefer password-protected to unlocked.

Similar concerns apply to non-NI third-party libraries that install in vi.lib, user.lib or instr.lib, for example the extremely useful OpenG libraries. These too are examples of uncontrolled source code. For this reason some developers I worked with preferred to copy the OpenG and other libraries into the project repository (this involves a tedious job of opening each library VI and relinking it to the other library VIs in their new location).

This idea is similar but potentially easier to implement than the following idea: Make the VI's from the "vi.lib" Read-only - NI Community



In .NET each of the integer data types provides two constant fields, named MinValue and MaxValue. These constants return the minimum and maximum values that can be stored in that data type. For example, for Int32 MinValue would return -2147483648 and MaxValue would return 2147483647.


1 C# min and max values.png


It would be nice if there would be similar constants in LabVIEW for all eight integer data types. These constants would be similar to the DBL constants that already exist: +Inf, -Inf, Machine Epsilon and NaN, and would be similar in concept to string constants such as Space Constant and End Of Line Constant.


The new constants could be placed in the Numeric palette, or in a new sub palette of the Numeric palette, as shown in the image below. I would be happy with any location.


3 Where to place the constants in LabVIEW (edited).png


I am aware that I can easily create constant VIs to implement this functionality, which would be very similar to how Space is implemented, but it would be nice if the constants were built-in.


My current workaround when I need the min or max values of an integer data type is to drop a numeric constant and type something like -9999999999999999 or 9999999999999999, which after Enter is pressed LabVIEW correctly coerces to the min or max value.



It would be a great add-on if the graphs have got in-built measurement features/properties/methods like an oscilloscope;




  1. Trigger
  2. Basic arithmetic function like Ch1-Ch2, Ch1/Ch4, etc.
  3. Event trigger based on plot value change. Example an event will be generated if Ch1 value is greater than a set value, an event will be generated if Ch2 value is greater than Ch4 value
  4. In built average plots. Example add plots like 10SMA(Ch3), 30EMA(Ch1) etc.
  5. Threshold based graph visual property change. Example configurable out-of-threshold or in-threshold plot color change.




  • Save time in development.
  • Integrated code will be efficient as no data unbuild/build/pass overheads.
  • Block diagram would be neat and easily readable.
  • Lightweight code.


Thank You


LabVIEW from 2006

CLA from 2014

In the world of tab controls, a tab caption refers to the actual text in the tabs that you click on to select the different pages, see attachment "Tab Caption". Currently, there is no property node that allows you to change the font characteristics of the tab captions. The font characteristics can be customized non-programmatically by right-clicking on the tab control and selecting Advanced/Customize. However, within the customize control all the tab caption properties are linked, so if I make the font color red for the page 1 tab caption, it will automatically change the page 2 tab caption text as well. The same thing applies to the other font characteristics.


This functionality would be useful for those users who want more control over the aesthetics of their front panel. For example, if a user wanted each tab to represent a test that he was running he could change the individual text and color to represent whether or not the test passed, green "passed," or failed, red "failed."


Many common functions include a "found" or "exists" output. Examples include:

  • Get Variant Attribute
  • Element of Set?
  • Config file VIs (Read Key, Write Key, Get Key Names, etc)
  • Chek if File or Folder Exists


Why then does Look In Map provide an inverted ("not found") output? Wouldn't it be better if it was consistent with other similar functions??


This is most frustrating when replacing existing code using variant attribute lookups with equivalent maps. "Look In Map" is pin compatible with "Get Variant Attribute" except for that one inverted output! This has caught me out on more than one occasion...

It would be helpful if the LabVIEW Python node natively supported Python dictionaries as LabVIEW Maps. This would make it simpler/easier to support a frequently use Python structure. You can work around but you have to do extra data preparation/formatting in both LabVIEW & Python. It would be nice if the node handled that converting to list of tuples and building the LabVIEW map or vice versa for us.

I would be easier if Save all the logs to file option is provided. 

Proposed Event Inspector WindowProposed Event Inspector Window

Actual Event Inspector WindowActual Event Inspector Window



I just found out about LabVIEW NXG's C Node. I know my team would love to have it in LabVIEW to use for bit masking in a familiar syntax. The Expression and MathScripts nodes have issue with 64-bit values and give unexpected results. A quick test in C Node does fix these issues.

Being able to initialize arrays as empty sets would be handy - not just as 0 or NaN.

FIR Filter is almost the same as convolution, except that it has a init/cont terminal while convolution has an input for algorithm (Direct, frequency domain). FIR filter always uses direct convolution.


If "cont" is not used, convolution based FIR filtering could be orders of magnitude faster because it scales much less steeply with input sizes. Examples have been discussed where switching algorithms from "Direct" to "frequency domain" can turn minutes into seconds (e.g. 1M points and 5k filter).


While the knowledgeable programmer can of course make his own using the convolution primitives (also programming around other limitations because this idea is not implemented :(), it might be more intuitive if the FIR Filter had an "algorithm" input where we can select between the same choices as for convolution. (From my casual understanding, "frequency domain" would ignore the "cont" input because it is incompatible. This can just be mentioned in the help.)





in many cases after wiring in the loop , we will go for the shift register to store variable. but in case of changing the loop tunnel to shift register left side tunnel required to connect manually.if not it creates the another tunnel in the loop.



in the loop , if the left and right tunnel variable are same , LabVIEW automatically replace tunnels with the shift registers.


shift registers.JPG