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Make Shift+Drag more usable

Status: New

Pressing Shift and dragging an object with the mouse make it move only horizontally or vertically. Great!


Unfortunately Labview decides which direction to move (horizontally or vertically) based on the first pixel the mouse moves. So, if you want to move something horizontally, but while clicking your mouse moves one pixel vertically, you're stuck with that direction and can start over again. ☹️


"Normal" applications decide the direction to move based on the ratio of x/y mouse movement: If the mouse moved more in vertical direction, the user obviously wants to move that way, if the mouse moved more in horizontal direction, then that is the user's intent. This means you can switch the direction while dragging and you're not stuck to one direction!


PLEASE modify the annoying behavior of Labview accordingly!

1 Comment
Active Participant

Like it behaves when expanding (Ctrl+drag) or contracting (Ctrl+Alt+drag) the BD or FP? Sure!

André Manzolli

Mechanical Engineer
Certified LabVIEW Developer - CLD
LabVIEW Champion
Curitiba - PR - Brazil