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LV2021: Deactivate Wire Auto-Routing

Status: Completed

In LabVIEW 2021 SP1, the automatic layout of wires when moving diagram objects is disabled if "Enable automatic wire routing" is unchecked in Tools>>Options in the Block Diagram category.

LV2021 has a new "feature" called "Auto-Routing" (this is not Auto-Wiring, which can be deactivated in the options!). Auto-Routing moves wires around if you touch for example Sub-VIs.

Especially in compact VIs this function is a disaster right now. Sometimes for example wires will go "through" Sub-VIs so that an output leaves the Sub-VI at the wrong side resulting in a VI which is terrible to read:

1. Original Snippet of a VI:


2. Same snippet, I just moved the "Get Variant Attribute Function" by one pixel to the right:


First we thought this is a bug, but the support told us it is a feature. But please: Let us deactivate this "function" in the options. I have colleagues telling me they would stop using LabVIEW if this remains as it is right now.

Active Participant

> An alternative, equally-unsupported method is to add LVdebugKeys=True to your LabVIEW config file, then you can open the internal settings with Ctrl+Shift+D followed by Ctrl+Shift+N and change it from there

Every day is a school day! I never heard about that internal settings editor before...

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@joerg.hampel: Yeah, it's an undocumented feature. LabVIEW has lots of them. Try doing the same thing, but with H instead of N. It lets you browse the low-level data for every VI in memory, including all the objects they contain.


According to CaseyM, it should have been fixed SP1. Someone tried it yet?

Active Participant

Yes, it's fixed. Best Holger

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Status changed to: Completed

In LabVIEW 2021 SP1, the automatic layout of wires when moving diagram objects is disabled if "Enable automatic wire routing" is unchecked in Tools>>Options in the Block Diagram category.

Christina Rogers
Principal Product Owner, LabVIEW R&D