Big clusters that go beyond the limit of the FP are annoying, especially to resize them automatically and reorder the controls.
Here are a couple of improvements that could be made:
- "Reorder controls in cluster..."
- Allow user to scroll while re-ordering the controls to have access to all elements instead of having to do it in multiple time.
- Shortcuts like Escape and Enter should respectively cancel-exit and validate-exit the reordering phase
These are pretty standard shortcuts and already widely used within the Labview environment
- "Autosizing"
- Autosize to "Compact". Where instead of aligning all element vertically or horizontally only, they would be in the "most compact" (to be defined) possible configuration to simplify the access to all info in the cluster.
For instance compacted in a square way, sorted by class (Booleans/numerics/strings etc.)
I understand that this one might be more complex, but it would be really helpful in my opinion

- Less important (to me): In Edit Mode, in case a cluster is autosized to "none" and some items are hidden outside for whatever reason, the developer should be notified somehow. For instance the same way than for strings

- (In the same case than above, allowing scroll bars could be interesting in some situations.)