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Add "Change all to Read/Write" to bundle/unbundle functions

Status: Completed

Available in LabVIEW NXG 1.0. You can change all to read/write on Cluster Property Nodes.





This idea could be applied to the bundle/unbundle primitives as well. Wiring may be an issue though (may produce broken wires).


This idea would be moot if the cluster functions were redrawn like property object functions (even better idea...).











AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)

Sometimes we tell Darren what we're working on. Sometimes we don't. It's a fine balance between enticing him to keep working for the next version and depressing him with working on today's LabVIEW with all the cool shiny stuff on the horizon. 😉

Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Completed

Available in LabVIEW NXG 1.0. You can change all to read/write on Cluster Property Nodes.

Trusted Enthusiast

Why was this not implemented in the current LV ?!


I have recently inherited a project from a customer and started revamping the umpteen number of several individual controls per VI (most of them have the last 2 Conn Panes wired with variables) into clusters, so I am in desperate need of this feature, but no!


When I searched before posting this idea, I found this one saying "Completed", only to find out that it has been implemented in LV NXG, and NOT in LV!


I feel severely handicapped (I'd even say paralysed) without this feature.

- Partha ( CLD until Oct 2027 🙂 )
AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)

Partha: It was a UI change on a very  resource-constrained team. There's a workaround if someone wants to write a right-click plug-in. And it only has 1 kudos, so nothing indicates popularity. It came along for free in the NXG redesign. For these reasons, NXG got it and LabVIEW 20xx did not.

Knight of NI

>There's a workaround if someone wants to write a right-click plug-in.


Here's a first attempt: LabVIEW Shortcut Menu Plug Ins/Cluster Swap.llb 

Trusted Enthusiast

Thanks for the explanation, AQ!


AQ >> And it only has 1 kudos


However, this idea ( has also received only 1 kudo, but still it has been taken for Development. Was it because, it was considered for development within the first year of its posting here in the LV-IdEx?!


- Partha ( CLD until Oct 2027 🙂 )
Trusted Enthusiast

Thanks Wiebe!


Could you post the LLB for LV2016?



- Partha ( CLD until Oct 2027 🙂 )
Knight of NI



Sure. It's been added.

AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)


It's because that one struck Darren and I as almost more a bug than a feature, and when I asked Localization to investigate to see if we could do it next release, they reported that they could fix it with a single string tweak, so they said they would fix it.