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Actually stop loading the project when pressing the stop button

Status: New

When pressing the "Stop" button when your project is loading you get this screen




It seems that pressing "No" is the fastest way to abort loading but for bigger projects it still tries to load some classes/libraries/vi's which could take a lot of time.


I would love to see a way to abort loading the project instantly.

Knight of NI

For me, 9/10 times pressing stop while loading a project stops LV from working (guess it does do as advertised?).


I almost always have to use task manager to quit. I often go straight to task manager...


A pretty serious problem (bug?), as often this stop button turns out to be the first button new users press.

Proven Zealot

A bit illogical, but if you read carefully you should press Yes to stop loading and open without missing files.

G# - Award winning reference based OOP for LV, for free! - Qestit VIPM GitHub

Qestit Systems

I hear you! One-click would be much nicer than the 7-click "no"-ctrl+shift+escape+right-click+End-Task+restart-LabVIEW approach I use several times a day...


This probably falls under bug fixes rather than feature requests though...