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A floating tip strip showing the panel dimensions during the resize of FP and BD

The idea is quite simple to implement, I suppose.









Two main benefits:


1. allows you to know the exact size in pixels that the front panel will get at runtime, while the manual resizing of the FP occurs.
This feature should take in account VI's Windows Appearance options (Window has title bar, Show toolbar when running, ... etc). It helps you to set the FP size for the (different) screen on wich the program has to be run.

2. this feature can help you to set the BD size for the smaller screen on wich you know you'll have to edit the program.

Up to now you can only set a minimum FP size, and use it as a sort of "pixel size reference". However this is the internal net size of the panel, toolbars and title bar excluded, and the final setting is a bit tricky. You can also programmatically change the FP size, but this is of little use, if you don't want to risk that some control disappear out of the panel boundary.

The second benefit is only for those of you that use LV on different PC (Lab and laptop, for instance) like me...  and, like me, hate having to scroll the BD for editing it :-). Usually I set the BD size to the maximum possible dimensions of the smallest screen I use.




Active Participant

Having the screen coordinates of the origin of the FP window would be an added bonus.


LabVIEW versions 5.0 - 2023

“All programmers are optimists”
― Frederick P. Brooks Jr.

I like this Idea.....
As PaulG said...
This would be better

Size & Origin Stats.jpg 


The panel origin can be an interesting information to know interactively, while it changes, but a resizing don't impact its value.

IMHO, for clarity sake, the tip strip should only show information that the current operation can modify. A dedicated tip strip showing panel origin could popup during the panel scrolling, close to the Top-Left panel corner for instance, when using both the scrollbars or the "handle" tool.

In any case a unique tip strip containing both panel origins and size is ok for me, provided it appears both during resizing AND during scrolling.


Active Participant

FYI, if you don't know, origin (usually) pops up in a tip strip when panning with ctrl+drag

Tim Elsey
Certified LabVIEW Architect

elset191 wrote: FYI, if you don't know, origin (usually) pops up in a tip strip when panning with ctrl+drag


Actually I didn't know.

But my LV don't seems to have this feature.


Would you please better explain what do you mean with "panning with ctrl+drag"?


As far as I know:


  • a panning operation of the BD or the FP can be done using scroll bars, or the handle tool.
  • a ctrl+drag operation usually increases the space on the BD, or, if applied to objects, it will copy them.

What am I missing?



Knight of NI

I'm not seeing the functionality that elset mentioned either.  However, while dragging the scroll bars on the block diagram, I do see a tip strip with what the origin is.  Why isn't this on the block diagram as well?

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Active Participant

Oops, I meant ctrl+shift+drag. Also, it just clicked that the usually I included is because it seems to only show up on the BD, and not the FP, as Crossrulz mentioned

Tim Elsey
Certified LabVIEW Architect

Ok, perfect, now I've understood. 🙂 Thanks a lot.


The tip strip only appears during BD panning, and only if the the window is not maximized.

It don't appears for panning of the FP.


It would be desiderable to have such a tip strip for both BD and FP.



Active Participant

@Ironman99 wrote:
The tip strip only appears during BD panning, and only if the the window is not maximized.

It's there if it's maximized, it's just at the top on the toolbar instead of the bottom of the window.  (At least, it is on my computer)

Tim Elsey
Certified LabVIEW Architect

elset191 wrote: It's there if it's maximized, it's just at the top on the toolbar instead of the bottom of the window.  (At least, it is on my computer)


You're right. Simply I didnt seen it Smiley Sad


What I can say in my partial defense, is that it disappears as soon as the mouse cursor touches the windows taskbar, even if the pan is still in progress.

