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RD/WR memory in FPGA CRIO-9072

* I`m using my PC as the "HOST", and FPGA as the target.

* I need to upload from the PC  a binay file  (~5 Kbytes) info to the FPGA memory (or maby the Real-Time target CPU?)  every 30min (or even once), and start transmit it  (through D/A) again and again.

* Till now, I use the FIFO MEMORY  for pathing memory bytes between PC to FPGA. But in this , I have to path it once, and running it over and over   in the FPGA.

* I tired to use "BLOCK-MEMORY", but the compiler is giving me this message:

Regenerating IP...
occurred during initialization of V
java.lang.Error: Cp125
ERROR:coreutil:424 - An error occurred while running Java. Please examine the
   console or coregen log file for a specific IP related error.
    For more information please search the Xilinx Answers Database for this
   error: Regenerating.
ERROR:sim:57 - Error found during generation"circling


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