LUGG - LabVIEW User Group at Goddard

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December 2019 LUGG meeting

Thursday, December 5, 2019
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
NASA - Goddard Visitor Center
Greenbelt, MD

Register here

Topics (both by Bob Schor of NIH)

1. Installing LabVIEW 2019 through NI Package Manager Issues

2. Monitoring Coolant Flow Remotely at NIH 

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Here is the process for creating a remote front panel launcher VI.  The remote computer running the VI you want to see must have the remote front panel server running.  -Stevestep1.pngStep2.png



After inserting the VI Server invoke node on the diagram, wire up the information for the VI you want to view.  The remote panel server runs on port 8000 by default.  The server address can be the IP address or network name of the computer.  The VI name you provide must be the name of a VI in memory on the remote machine you are connecting to.



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