Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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voltage not displaying on R&S HMP series power supply

Hi ,



I am using below commands to display voltage on power supply in C code.

The voltage is not display. I see the connection is success. What could be the reason. any other set up required in power supply


char HMPon[] = "INST OUT1";
char HMPon1[] = "OUTP:SEL 1";
char HMPon2[] = "OUTP 1";
char HMPon3[] = "OUTP:GEN 1";
char TDKvolttoset1[] = "VOLT 18.5";
char resourceString1[] = "TCPIP0::";

status = viOpen(rmHandle, resourceString1, VI_NULL, VI_NULL, &scopeHandle);

status = viWrite(scopeHandle, (ViBuf)HMPon, (ViUInt32)strlen(HMPon), VI_NULL);
status = viWrite(scopeHandle, (ViBuf)TDKvolttoset1, (ViUInt32)strlen(TDKvolttoset1), VI_NULL);
status = viWrite(scopeHandle, (ViBuf)HMPon1, (ViUInt32)strlen(HMPon1), VI_NULL);
status = viWrite(scopeHandle, (ViBuf)HMPon2, (ViUInt32)strlen(HMPon2), VI_NULL);
status = viWrite(scopeHandle, (ViBuf)HMPon3, (ViUInt32)strlen(HMPon3), VI_NULL);




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