Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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keithley 595 meter control using labview

i am using a keithley 595 quasi static meter for capacitance-voltage analysis of gate oxide-semiconductor interface. the meter is to be controlled by  LabVIEW. could anyone suggest me how to control the meter thru a GPIB interface.
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Message 1 of 5
You would control the Keithley 595 using GPIB just as you would any other instrument.
If this is your first time using LabVIEW take a look at the examples that comes with LabVIEW.
There are also several application notes on
I'm not sure what is the relationship of the Keithley 595 to the PDF file you attached.
The PDF file looks to be about Keithley DAQ cards.

Message Edited by nyc on 03-27-2006 09:54 AM

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Message 2 of 5
 thank you for the help.

   i referred to the LabVIEW examples for GPIB communication. There was already a HP4192A Impeadance analyzer connected thru GPIB and controlled thru LabVIEW. i have 2 remove it and connect a keithley meter. Do i need to install another set of instrument drivers that support keithley.
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Message 3 of 5

Are you sure that the current program is using instrument drivers? I don't use them in the software that I write.

If your program is using instrument drivers, check first with Keithley to see if they have one for the 595.

Message Edited by nyc on 03-28-2006 09:05 AM

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Message 4 of 5
Well, I always use drivers if they are available but I couldn't find one for the Keithley. You can write your own, use the Instrument I/O Assistant, or just you the apprpriate commands with VISA Write and VISA Read.
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Message 5 of 5