Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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I have a HPE1463A.  Its configured as a Type C GPR.  When I loaded the drivers for ni switch for IVI the drop down menu shows, for example "00C","00NC" and "00NO"  When I call the switch from teststand its requiring me to enter 2 values for the relay ( say relay 00) . Channel 1 and channel 2.  I just want to open or close relay 00.  The "C", "NC" and "NO" to me indicate a MUX.  If I say close "00C" to "00NC" it works fine.  I just can't open it.


Anyone have any ideas why, first its giving me 3 choices for 1 relay and 2nd why I can close a switch but not open it??



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Message 1 of 6

Hello Clint_Eastwood,


Is there a function that allows for you to open all of the relays on your card? Has your switch card worked before? Do you experience this issue with all of the relays on your card?




-Travis E

National Instruments
Product Marketer
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Message 2 of 6


This is a new .."install".  Its never worked before.  The user was just questioning why they can close a relay and had to use disconnect all ( or something like that) to open it.  What if they want to disconnect only one relay??  My expierence is w labview and I kind of had the same issue before when using SW Executive in another app..  I was trying to close a sw by saying connect channel 1 to channel 2 when i should have just said close relay 1.  They're using IVI (IVISwitch) which I'm vaguely familiar w. I was wondering why the fields for selection use say..."00C", "00NO" and "00NC" when its just a relay.  why not just "00" and they would say open or close 00??   When they use IVISwitch prototype in Teststand they have to select connect  00C to ???


I guess the questions is how do I open and close a hpe1364a VXI card relay in teststand using IVI Switch if everything was loaded properly??

I've looked on NI webpage w/o any luck.


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Message 3 of 6

Unfortunately this driver is not supported by National Instruments as seen on the driver page when downloading. That being said, I will try to help the best I can. I took a look at the code and found that the functions that govern the Opening and Closing of the relay are almost exactly the same except for a the lines:


if (hpe1364a_device_closed (instrID) != 0)
return hpe1364a_err;

chan_val[instrID][chan] = 0L;


from the Open Channel Function and:


if (hpe1364a_device_closed (instrID) != 0)
return hpe1364a_err;

chan_val[instrID][chan] = 1L;


from the Close Channel function. The difference here is the value set to the chan_val array. The problem is the fact that the conditional used to get to this is the same for both functions. I assume the conditional should check for if the device is open in the Close Channel Function. 




-Travis E 

National Instruments
Product Marketer
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Message 4 of 6
Accepted by Clint_Eastwood1000

Lets talk a bit about this.  I expect it is the desired behavior.


00 is the chanel name.


the channel is a relay with three points C "Common" NC "Normaly Closed"  NO "Normally Open


two conditions are possible.


C closed to NC  (De-energized)

C closed to NO (Energized)


"Opening" the C to NC Channel would cause C to close to NO.  That would make a connection we did not explicitly ask for!!! Bad Bad Bad!!!

The correct form of the command "Open 00C, OONC" is "Close 00C, 00NO"

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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Message 5 of 6

My colleague called an App Engr at National.  From the brief description I got from him:

You have to open the relay then close it??  In other words, lets say the relay is in this configuration:


(00C) COM to  (00NO) NORMALLY OPEN.  Now I want to switch to the other condition. (00C) COM to (00NC) NORMALLY CLOSED.

He said he was told ( not sure of the code) he had to OPEN the Normally Open condition then close to the normally closed condition.  If this is a mechanical switch in only 2 possible conditions I wonder what physical condition the switch is in when you say open normally open but before you say close normally closed !!!


I guess it doesn't matter...he now has it working w that ...."logic??"





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Message 6 of 6