Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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hpe364xa instr lib can't work

I am trying to use hpe364xa d/l from this site on my E3640A powersupply from
Agilent using Labview 5.1.1
keep giving me the error message :
"block diagram error
call library function: function not found in library"

the function it is trying to call is :C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW\INSTR.LIB\hpe364xa\hpe364xa.llb\hpe364xa
Initialize With\hpe364xa_32.dll

does anybody knows what's wrong? is it with the dll file?

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This is an IVI driver. This problem seems to be that the VI Call Library function is looking in the wrong place for the dll.

Usually they are installed in the VXIpnp folder. and you should find the dll in the c:\VXIpnp\Bin folder.

Just click on the call library function and select the configure. Then change the folder location for the dll.

Or you could try unstalling the driver and try reistalling it again.

Hope this helps.
Ray Farmer
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