Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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gpib-usb crash in W7 64 bit



I have been getting crashes BSOD. I ran Windows debugger to look at the minidump crash  files and everyone points toward the USBHUB.sys specifically ni488, I think it is happening when going into the low power state or comming out of a low power state.  Currently I have driver ni488k.sys file version 3.0.0f1 I'm running W 7 64bit. First do I have the latest driver (when I look on the site it says the latest driver is 2.7.3 so I'm confused about the 3.0.0f1. Also the hardware interface I have is USB-B, not the USB-HS and can't find driver support for USB-B specifically on your site, so I'm assuming they are compatible which might be incorrect.


CAn you help?

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Message 1 of 5

Hello Joel,


We have seen something similar to this in house, but have been unable to reproduce it reliably.  How many times have you seen this?  What do you generally do to get this to happen?  We are extremely interested in any information that you can give us.


Also, 3.0.2 is the latest version of the driver currently and is available here.  The upgrade most likely will not fix the issue and they both support USB-B, but it would be nice to test with the latest version.  


If you let me know where on our site it say 2.7.3 is the latest, I will update it.



Justin Parker
National Instruments
Product Support Engineer
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Message 2 of 5

I leave my computer on, I can give you the minidump file, but I suggest you turn on the full dump file options and then get the crash and have microsoft look at it, you can open a case with them for a few hundred dollars and they will help you debug the problem by looking at the dump files, we had a driver problem here once that was actually a microsoft bug in W7 which they helped with. When you pay them the money they work fast and are very attentive surprisingly so.


I believe it is a power down state problem. You can use the WDK to do the testing (which you probabably have done), but I would do a stress test of the power down feature using the tool in the WDK. It may be how the driver is interacting with the hub.sys driver during power down (or power up).


The problem was happening to me every night couldn't get the time it happend but problably when it was going to sleep or hibernating, I just get an application report that there was a bluescreen at some point and a couple of other indicators related to power mode changing, and I looked at the minidump files (last night I unplugged the USB-B and no crash). The power management mode is always tricky.


On the latest driver download page it says version 2.7.3 under support for USB-HS.



My computer is win7 64bit and my power down settings are:


Require pswd on wakeup: yes

turn off hard disk: never

wireless adapter: maximum performance

power savings mode : maximum performance

Sleep after: 480 minutes

Hibernate after: 1080 mintes

allow wake timers: enabled

USB slective suspend: enabled








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Message 3 of 5



Is your computer configured to sleep, or hibernate at night? Also, is it configured to use "Hybrid Sleep"? This is under the advanced power options.


When your computer is left at night, are there applications open which are using (or have used)  the GPIB controller, or is everything closed on the computer, and the controller is just plugged in?



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Message 4 of 5

hybrid sleep is on


sleep after 480 minutes is set


hibernate after 1080 minutes is set.


As far as the controller goes, its a good question whether or not I have used the device and it has remained plugged in or if there are programs running, I cannot say for sure whether I have used the device, but yes programs that might used the device are plugged in and usually running. I'll pay more attention to it next time.


Part of the errors from the minidumps were that device was not either recovering or going into sleep mode...



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Message 5 of 5