1) I am not sure I understand exactly what you mean when you say you have to restart the instrument to get it to respond
It means I have to turn it off and then on again. And after that it responds well. To all comands.
2)What commands are you sending to the instrument?
At first I did the standart "comunicate with instrument" procedure: right click on the instrument in explorer menu, and chosed the "comunicate with instrument". It sends some comands (ibdev 0 23 0 13 1 0) to the instrumant, I tried this myself with the "interactive control" and got a nice response. But the default "comunicate with instrument" comand recieves an error after trying to identify the instrument with *IDN? . And after ibclr gets EBOS error mesage. In interactive control i did on my own it this way:
ibdev 0 23 0 10 1 0
ibwrt "cm0"
and I got all I want - the machine understod the comand cm0 (specific comand for SRS400 photon counter) and everything else.
The problems begin after the standart ibdev procedure, when it is done through "comunicate with instrument". The MAX is sending something that SRS400 does not like at all. It shows that it has recieved something, but hangs up, I think after the first ibwrt comand the Max is sending, and I could not find what is it.
Perhaps the problem is with eos or syntax. The SRS400 uses (uderstands) ASCII code (comands must be in this code) and must have an carriage return or line feed character or bouth.
3)I am not familiar with that instrument, but more information might give some insight as to what is going on.
The SRS 400 is a photon counter, provided by Stanford research systems. The instrument is made in 1987. Quite old, but good enough to operate with. It has two character comand system, for example: cm j, where cm is comand, and j - a variable.
I think it does not like the identification procedure done by max, because the standard ibdev inicialization procedure goes well.