Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Visual studio 2019 program with NI-VISA 488.2 21.5

Hi There:

   Our program using nivisa's visa64.dll to connect with instruments.

Since we are a windows program running on windows 10, we use LoadLibrary (L"visa64.dll") and GetProcAddress() to locate viopen API  and used it to connect with instruments.

This method works fine while compile with visual studio 2008, but after we migrate whole program into visual studio 2019 compilation. We start to get viopen error in same environment.


"[RCT_viOpen] State:(BFFF0011), Description: Insufficient location information or the device or resource is not present in the system."


After running some experiments in this environment, I found out that its weird that our VS2019 program could connect with R&S instrument after I install R&S visa 7.2.3 driver.

But it's weird that we really use nivisa's dynamic library (C:\Windows\System32\nisa64.dll), but somehow we need to depends on R&S visa to connect with instruments even that is not R&S instrument. And also the key factor of the success connection is C:\Windows\System32\RsVisa32.dll. Once I rename RsVisa32.dll into others, I got same viopen failed with state(BFFF0011)


Did anyone know why? Or did I missed any software package provided by Ni-Visa? 


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