Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Visa error 1073807360


I'm trying to test my stand alone application on a target pc. After the Labview runtime engine, I'd installed the Visa runtime engine also(as suggested in NI KB 16BB9RJV). All seems to go the rigth way until I write something to serial port: at once the message "Error -1073807360 occourred at property node in visa configure serial port->... Possibile reason: VISA: (hex 0xbfff0000) unknown system error(miscellaneous error).
Where the problem(s) is(are)?

Thanks 4 attention,

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

Thank you for contacting National Instruments.

The problem may be that your stop bits and data bits are configured incorrectly in the Visa Configure Serial Port property node. The following link will take you to a Knowledgebase article that describes the configurations supported by Windows:

I hope this helps! If you are still having problems, let me know.

Matthew C
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Message 2 of 8
Dear Matthew C,

Thanks for your fast answer. Unfortunately the problem did not regard the formulation of the bit stop. These last ones were correctly set up. Probably there was some problem with istaller of the VISA Run Time engine. Infact after to have installed a windows driver (dcom98), things they seem to work better. Thanks still however of your precious support.

Best regards

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8



I am trying to communicate with a sound level meter via a serial port and I have error visa -1073807360 when I run my VI, , nevertheless all the parameters of configuration of VISA seem to be right cause I connected the instrument to an hyperterminal and it worked.

It was also working before and now suddenly I started to have this error.


Could you please help me figure out what's the problem?


Thank you in advance.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

Well, responding to a ten and a half year ould post is not really the way to start.  (you may wish to start a new thread)


include information about the device on the other end (model number) and what type of interface you have (VCP via USB, RS 232, other....)

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 5 of 8

can we remove this thread? Thanks

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

@bochris wrote:

can we remove this thread? Thanks

No, this thread should remain on these forums.  One of the best parts of community engagement is that the entire history of the community knowledge is available for everyone to learn from.


Technically, the thread could be moved, locked or even taken out of public view by a Forum Moderator.  This thread has no content so obviously objectionable that would warrant that extreme action. 

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

@bochris wrote:

can we remove this thread? Thanks

"We" cannot, but the moderators can, of course. This can happen in case of spam or exposure of proprietary information, for example.


It certainly will not happen because of a very sparse comment by a new user that has just singed up. 😄


If you have serious concerns about a thread, you can report it to a moderator (look for the "options" pulldown in the post) and explain in great detail what problem you are perceiving if this 19 year old thread would remain in public view. There reasons need to be very good, otherwise we would have an Orwellian forum where history is rewritten (changed) as needed. Most probably don't want that.

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Message 8 of 8