You already have them, but they are not enable by defualt. Go to Control
Panel, Device Manager and open Properties for the GPIB board. There's a
checkbox to enable DOS support. wrote:
> I purchased a PCI-GPIB card for my lab's NT machine and now have to run
> some DOS software which is not able to access the GPIB card! National
> Inst. said that they have NO DOS DRIVERS.
> Does anyone have DOS drivers for the PCI-GPIB card from NI???
> thanks-- jonathan
> Sent via
> Before you buy.
Best Regards,
Mike T
Mike Tranchemontagne
Consulting Applications Engineer
TeraComm, Inc.
148 Main Street
Building A, 3rd Floor
North Andover, MA 01845
877-900-TERA (8372)
978-557-9490 (FAX)
603-598-4773 (Dir
ect Line and Cell)