09-12-2023 12:33 PM
I am trying to interface with a Teledyne LeCroy HDO8108A using LXI on a machine running RHEL8.
I am able to connect to the oscilloscopes web interface by typing its IP address into a browser and NI Hardware Configuration Utility is able to detect the scope. However, I am unable to connect to the scope and get the following error when trying to connect to it using the VISA configuration tool or when interfacing with pyvisa.
I have the following NI packages installed:
Here is a screenshot of the instrument home page:
Could the LXI version running on the scope be outdated?
Any troubleshooting tips would be appreciated. Thanks.
09-12-2023 02:58 PM
All of my NI plugins are version 2023Q3
09-13-2023 01:23 AM
Your instrument setup is wrong somehow. The LXI configuration thinks it’s IP address to be but you approach it with 192.169.something instead through the browser. Try to change the IP address in the device to the correct one and use that in VISA.