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Testo 350 toolbox 2012 (USB)

Hi, i am trying connect with a Testo 350 Maritime:


It uses a new toolbox bases on USB dll.

It have several DLl´s, the most important are "testo3XXT.dll" "testo350SPI.dll" "testoEmUSB.dll", each has its functions, but all are necessary.

When you import a dll whith Labview shared library  manager tool (tools->import->shared library (.dll)), you need a header (.h) to define the functions.

All ok, but if a function of a library need a other function from other library, labview crashed.

For example, testo350SPI.dll need used testoEmUSB.dl, and it show error "the program can not start because lack testoEmUSB.dll" (i load it before).


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In testo 330, they have a compilation of dll´s and functions on a (testo330Base.dll).


Can i create somethig similar to this?

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These are the libraries and an example made in visual-studio2010

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Test my app please.

Other solution is use the example application from testo ((t350_example.exe) include on the testo toolbox upload by me). using the activeX functions.

Can anyone help me please?


PD:This I have already published in:

but I have not received help.


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