06-05-2024 08:36 AM - edited 06-05-2024 08:40 AM
I am attempting to control a Tektronic MSO64 oscilloscope.
The current setup runs on a Windows 10 with LabView version 2021.
The IVI driver for the oscilloscope is v1.7.
The instruments drivers are from the Tektronix MSO5X Series, Driver Revision: 1.7.
NI Max is able to detect the instrument, and with the VISA test panels I am able to successfully perform a *IDN query.
However, not even the simplest of Examples vi is working.
After some investigation, it looks that even a simple Initialize-Close vi is giving error.
The most frequent error code is:
- 1073807339 VISA Read in Tektronix MSO5X,
although occasionally a 410,"Query INTERRUPTED" or even error 85 were raised.
By highlighting the execution in the Tektronix MSO5X Series::Inizialize.vi, it looks that the error is raised in the Error Query.vi
The core of Tektronix MSO5X Series::Error Query.vi is in the snippet below:
The error is raised by one of the VISA Read after writing *ERS? or EvMsg.
Then the real magic begins:
when the execution of Tektronix MSO5X Series::Error Query.vi is slowed down by "Higlight Execution", the errors disappear.
This raises the question whether the oscilloscope has not enough time to respond to the query.
I tried to add a couple of Time Delay VI between VISA write and VISA read:
And with this delay the errors are not raised.
However this fix is unsatisfactory, not only because it modifies the original driver library, but also because I may find more nodes throughout the module where to add the delay (I didn't even attempted to fetch waveforms yet!!).
This makes the fix hard to maintain.
I searched similar occurrences in the forum see e.g.:
It looks like the issues were never fully understood and solved.
Can you perhaps suggest some solution?
Thanks a lot.