Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Tektronix MSO64 error -1073807339 in Error Query

I am attempting to control a Tektronic MSO64 oscilloscope.

The current setup runs on a Windows 10 with LabView version 2021.

The IVI driver for the oscilloscope is v1.7.

The instruments drivers are from the Tektronix MSO5X Series, Driver Revision: 1.7.


NI Max is able to detect the instrument, and with the VISA test panels I am able to successfully perform a *IDN query.


However, not even the simplest of Examples vi is working.

After some investigation, it looks that even a simple Initialize-Close vi is giving error.


The most frequent error code is:

- 1073807339 VISA Read in Tektronix MSO5X,

although occasionally a 410,"Query INTERRUPTED" or even error 85 were raised.


By highlighting the execution in the Tektronix MSO5X, it looks that the error is raised in the Error Query.viInitialize.PNG

The core of Tektronix MSO5X Series::Error is in the snippet below:


The error is raised by one of the VISA Read after writing *ERS? or  EvMsg.

Then the real magic begins:

when the execution of Tektronix MSO5X Series::Error is slowed down by "Higlight Execution", the errors disappear.


This raises the question whether the oscilloscope has not enough time to respond to the query.

I tried to add a couple of Time Delay VI between VISA write and VISA read:


And with this delay the errors are not raised.


However this fix is unsatisfactory, not only because it modifies the original driver library, but also because I may find more nodes throughout the module where to add the delay (I didn't even attempted to fetch waveforms yet!!).

This makes the fix hard to maintain.


I searched similar occurrences in the forum see e.g.:



It looks like the issues were never fully understood and solved.


Can you perhaps suggest some solution?

Thanks a lot.


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