03-13-2020 02:58 PM
Can I use the TDK Lambda Z Power Supply driver (http://sine.ni.com/apps/utf8/niid_web_display.download_page?p_id_guid=F00572BCE06A6F91E0440021287E6A...) on Labview 2019 version? Thanks.
03-13-2020 03:22 PM
03-13-2020 03:59 PM
Thanks Albert.
I tried to connect the power supply and ran the vi to set and read the voltage/current, but it seemed like NI Max couldn't detect the device. I connected the device directly from the device's Ethernet port to the pc USB port. Am I missing some interface or something for NI Max to detect the device? Do I need to connect this device to the GPIB Instrument Control Device?
03-14-2020 05:38 AM
11-08-2022 07:07 PM
I know this chat is a bit old, but no, you cannot use the TDK Lambda Z Power Supply drivers for the TDK Lambda Z-UP power supplies.
What you will need to do is go to the TDK Lambda ZUP website, click on one of the components (e.g., https://product.tdk.com/en/search/power/switching-power/prg-power/info?part_no=ZUP20-20%2FU) and under the Technical Support tools (not the tab but in the column on the right) you will find a two links, "Driver Downloads" and "LabVIEW Drivers". Click on the "LabVIEW Drivers" link, also placed here (https://product.tdk.com/system/files/dam/doc/product/power/switching-power/prg-power/software/zup-la.... This will download the file for you.
You will then need to install it as a third-party instrument driver by first extracting it into the respective folder, etc. See this article for more help https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000000P8THSA0&l=en-US