Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Siglent SDG2082X

Dear all,


I have got a Siglent SDG2082X waveform generator that I would like to control from a C program using the Siglent IVI-C driver. The generator is connected to the LAN interface and is correctly detected and identified by the Keysight Connection Expert (that uses VISA functions as far as I know). The sdg_init() function (or IviFgen_init() when called by the class driver) returns -1073807300 (bfff003c). This corresponds to the VI_ERROR_ALLOC error and means "Insufficient system resources to open a session or to allocate the buffer(s) or memory block of the specified size.". The documentation only explains how to install the driver but does not say anything about options that should be specified when calling the sdg_InitWithOptions() function, e.g. a memory block size. I use this driver: SDGX IVI Driver - 1.0.1R0 (Release Date 04.04.18 ) ( It seems to be the latest available version.


I have set up the generator in NI MAX the same way as I have done it for my SSA3021X spectrum analyzer which returns VI_SUCCESS when I call the init function.


Is there anybody who can give me a hint what I am doing wrong here or is there a way to find out which options the sdg_InitWithOptions() function accepts? I have already tried to contact Siglent Europe to get information about the driver but I did not get an answer.


Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you very much and kind regards,



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