09-08-2011 07:10 AM
Can anyone upload the LabVIEW Device Driver for Ruska-7615 Hydraulic Pressure Controller Device Driver?
I was unable to download from the Internet; it looks like driver is no longer available either in GE or Fluke websites.
Thanks for your help.
09-08-2011 11:44 PM
According to Fluke's site, the common LabVIEW driver is suitable for Model 7000, 7010, 7215, 7215i, 7215xi, 7310, 7610 and Series 7250 Digital Pressure Controller/Calibrators, Model 7350 and 7615 High Pressure Controller Calibrators.
Please refer:http://us.flukecal.com/products/pressure-calibration/pressure-controllercalibrators/7000-series-pres...
The LabVIEW driver for 7250 is here.
09-09-2011 12:08 AM
Thanks you for your reply.
I have checked the above link even before posting my question in forum. In the entire website there is no where we can find the driver to download. Even i have contacted the Fluke people, it seems during transition from GE to Fluke they have missed this driver.
My intension of posting here is, if some one here, have already downloaded the driver from GE or RUSKA website in the past.
09-11-2011 11:07 PM
@Vijay, have you tried downloading and installing the 7250 driver pointed to by sumit.sen?
09-11-2011 11:57 PM
@ Nikhil, I downloaded and tried the driver of 7250 it did not work with 7615 controller.
09-12-2011 12:16 AM
Hi Vijay,
This post contains two versions of the Ruska 7000 series driver VIs. See if any of these work. I am not able to find any direct drivers either, you may have to contact Fluke for support.
09-12-2011 12:17 AM
Sorry, the post is: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/ruska-7000-driver-conversion/td-p/984217
09-12-2011 09:44 AM
The 7615 and 7250 share the same command set so try disabling the ID query in the Initialize VI and you might get it to work.
09-15-2011 01:03 AM
Hi Nikhil,
Thanks for the Link, which is what i was expecting, however, this is only a part solution and does not have a complete command sets. One another draw back with this driver is, it is developped for GPIB and not based on VISA. I may not be able to make use of it for RS-232.
09-15-2011 01:05 AM
I have already tried with 7250, it is not working. I was not putting much effort to reuse the 7250 driver for 7615. I was thinking to give it a try at the last. I think i have to do that now.