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Problem with current measurement with Keithley2700

I'm using Keithley 2700 to measure the voltage and current and communicate through USB. I'm using the example VI's from the Keithley 2700 device: Continuious Multi


I've already got the voltage data successfully. But when I use the same VI for current measurement, the error -1074000000 occurs with the info: 

-222,"Parameter data out of range"
-221,"Settings conflict"
-221,"Settings conflict"


I can't find the error source. I've opened auto range function. Is the erorr 222 depending on the value of current? I've also scanned the channel with no current, but the same error still occurs.


I would be appreciated if anyone could help me to solve this problem.



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Message 1 of 2

The error is probably in the order of commands.

Please set the limits first in the correct order for Voltage and current before switching to current.

Or make sure that both limit settings are correct in each measurement.

greetings from the Netherlands
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