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NI USB-TC01 not found

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I need very elementary help with taking a reading from a thermocouple.  I have a NI USB-TC01 plugged in to a USB port and am following the instructions for "Taking a Measurement with LabVIEW" from the NI webpage.  I am at step 4 "Select the USB-TC01 as the measurement device" and get "No supported devices found" under "supported physical channels" when I should see "Dev1 (USB-TC01)"  what am I doing wrong?

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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author Micro01

Hi Micro01,


It sounds like the device isn't being recognized by the NI Software.  The following link may help you troubleshoot this.  Let me know if this helps.


DAQ Assistant Says No Supported Devices Found


Justin D.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Message 2 of 4

Thanks for the reply, Justin.  I think I found the problem, I need LabView 9.1 or later, and I'm running 9.0.

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Message 3 of 4



The actual problem is not the version of Labview that you are running, but more likely the version of NI-DAQmx you are running. Support was added for the TC-01 in NI-DAQmx 9.1 as shown in the NI-DAQmx 9.1 Help. So long as your version of labview supports the version of DAQ that is required you should be good. DAQmx & Labview Compatibility. I hope that this clarifies things!

National Instruments
Software Group Manager
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