Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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How to read data as long as there is new data in buffer?


I'm working on controlling keithley2400 to measure the I-V character.

The test need receive a lot of data.

Now,my way todo this is to set a delay time .

When I send all my orders to 2400,delay 10000ms,then it begin to measure.

I think the measure way is not convenient.


(Qt 5,VISA)



In the past measure I use readyread signal which is a signal in QSerialPort ...That's is conveniet but it does't support GPIB or others.


Thanks for all. 

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Instead of using a delay, use the end chatacter as termination.

Ask for more characters than expexted and the message will be accepted after the endcharacter and a new message can be requested immediately after that.



greetings from the Netherlands
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